Democracy in Action is a social science & humanities blog and a public engagement project of the University of Agder, southern Norway. It is spearheaded and funded by the University’s Rectorate and the Faculty of Social Sciences of the same university.
The blog explores multiple dimensions of democracy, with a focus on the growing challenges to democratic institutions, processes and values in countries and regions around the world. The main aim is to discuss and reinvigorate democracy at all levels of governance and in various social, political and economic domains. While we welcome contributions discussing high-level theories and conceptual frameworks to understand the current moment, we favour a grounded approach that focuses on “democracy with a small d” and explores the multiple facets of democratic dynamics at work, or under threat, in the everyday realities of people, organisations and institutions across the world.
This is also one of the many meanings we attribute to “in action”: we build on our own positionality in the Nordic countries, which share a strong tradition of lived democratic values in all sectors of society, but are also facing significant challenges shared with other parts of the world.
Our interest in action means that our authors do not stop at a thorough analysis of the problems at hand, but also propose solutions and recommendations that can be taken up by policy-makers, civil society and private sector actors and interested citizens.
We cover a broad range of topics and areas linked to democracy, including, but not limited to: local, national and transnational political institutions and governance; basic education and higher education; public sector; state, market, socio-economic inequalities and the economy; the rise of populism and “anti-establishment” politics; progressive social movements, trade unionism and religious associational life; practices, values and models of grassroots democracy; challenges and opportunities of digital democracy and social media in politics; sustainable development, green transition and climate politics; space and place; human rights; gender equality and LGBTQ+ rights; ethnic and racial diversity and inclusion, migrants’ and refugee rights; digitalisation, artificial intelligence and ethical, social and political repercussions; peace, war and conflict; transitional justice; rule of law and constitutionalism; democracy promotion and the backlash against it; democracy and international and supranational organisations; democratisation and authoritarianism.
We welcome contributions from scholars and practitioners grounded in a plurality of disciplines and approaches from political science, anthropology, sociology, geography, social theory, media studies, education studies, and other relevant social sciences, humanities and practice fields.
You can contact us at
Abit Hoxha, Department of Nordic and Media Studies, University of Agder
Vito Laterza, Department of Global Development and Planning, University of Agder
Frans Augusto Runo af Malmborg, Department of Political Science and Management, University of Agder
Gunn Bjørnsen, Teacher Education Unit, University of Agder
Stefan Gänzle, Department of Political Science and Management, University of Agder
Solomon Kebede Gebremeskel, Department of Global Development and Planning, University of Agder
Erna Synnøve Kjensjord, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Agder
Amanda Margaret Machin, Department of Sociology and Social Work, University of Agder
Ronald Mayora Synnes, Department of Sociology and Social Work, University of Agder
Anne Pintsch, Department of Political Science and Management, University of Agder
Maryna Rabinovych, Department of Political Science and Management, University of Agder
Anne Elizabeth Stie, Department of Political Science and Management, University of Agder
Henrik Jagels, Communications Unit, University of Agder
Thomas Eikeland Fiskå, Communications Unit, University of Agder